A refurbishment complete with new exterior signage and digital menu screens from BDSigns and BDigital has given Hollywood Fish Bar the right tools for the job
Hollywood Fish Bar in Birmingham, West Midlands, has always been a busy shop but, with the takeaway last renovated when owner Chris Christoforou took it over 18 years ago, it looked dated and felt stagnant.
Despite the current economic climate, Chris committed to a full refurbishment complete with a new shopfront, signage, digital menu boards and a Henry Nuttall four pan frying range. Chris comments: “It needed it, we’ve been here 18 years, it was my first business, I was quite young and I did it on quite a tight budget. It was never really what I wanted, but what I could afford. Now it’s exactly how I want it to look – modern and timeless.”
While Chris put AWB Interiors in charge of the interior design and Caravan in control of the shopfit (both Midlands-based businesses ) he appointed BD Signs to install new exterior signage and the digital menu screens inside.

“I’ve worked with BD Signs before and, once again, they were brilliant,” says Chris. “They really know their stuff and always do a good job. The sign now lights up, which makes us stand out at night. BD Signs recommended a slightly different colour to what our designer had initially suggested – it was just a little more subtle – which was the right decision.
“And the digital menu boards are brilliant. I have my main menu on four screens and an upright screen for all my new menu items that runs on a loop and, honestly, that one screen on the loop sells more than anything else. People really do eat with their eyes.”
Chris says the refurbishment has put the fire back in his belly, reigniting his love for the business and his desire to push forward again. He adds: “It’s been good for business, customers are loving it, and it keeps us ahead of the game. A lot of people said I was crazy doing this in the current market, but I thought it was either sink or swim time. In the fish and chip shop trade, many shops will sink, but the good ones will stay, and I want to be the best in the area.
“I feel like I’ve got the right tools and the right shop for the job now.”
BD Signs & BDigital 0115 979 4330 www.bdsignsnottingham.co.uk