Nominated by owner Jatinder Sahota, who says: 

Home » Rising Stars & Unsung Heros » Nominated by owner Jatinder Sahota, who says: 
Max’s Traditional Fish & Chips

“Lily is an exceptional asset to my shop and my business has grown because of her and her dedication to strive to raise the bar week in, week out. She has risen through the ranks to become such an integral part of our business and I am indebted to her for her loyalty and dedication. In an industry that is male-dominated when it comes to friers, it’s refreshing to see a young lady doing so well.

How long have you worked at Max’s for?

Since its relaunch in March of 2021, although I have worked for Jatinder and his wife for two and a half years as a grocery store assistant. At the time, I was studying for my A-Levels and wanted a part time job to gain independence and also confidence and experience with customers. Jatinder trained me, sharing his experience of the industry with me, and each time I successfully mastered a new skill he would encourage me to learn something new. 

What are your responsibilities?

My responsibilities vary from setting up the front of house, training new staff members and frying to serving, thoroughly cleaning the shop after closing and performing end of day tasks.

What’s your favourite part of the job?

The customers. I have always loved interacting with people and it is especially rewarding to see the same faces on a regular basis as we know they enjoy the food we work hard to make for them. Jatinder has taught us that we are only as good as our last meal, so we always strive for perfection!

What’s your least favourite part of the job?

Cleaning at the end, particularly after a busy shift. However, I know that it is a very important part of the job and it has to be done.

What is it that you like about working at Max’s?

The enjoyable work atmosphere Jatinder and his family create. They are very kind, understanding and generous people and will always make time for their staff. I also get along with all of my colleagues and we are a great support system for one another. 

How do you feel about being nominated as an unsung hero?

I am flattered to be nominated and feel it recognises all the hard work and effort put into the job. I am thankful to Jatinder and his wife for seeing my potential, offering me a job with them and for always encouraging me to learn new skills and push myself further.

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