How did you get into the industry?
I fell in love and the next thing I knew I was part of The Posh Fish and Chip Company. Hamid, who owns the business, and I had been friends for nearly 20 years. We started going out last year and then started working together too (dangerous, I know!). I came from the corporate world working for big companies like Dyson so it’s now the perfect partnership of fish and chip master chef and business mind!
What’s your favourite food?
I love seafood especially oysters as it reminds me of being on holiday and having them fresh from the sea. We would love to have them in the shops. Oysters and chips are the ultimate luxury.
Is there a food you won’t eat?
Peanuts. I’m allergic and at the sniff of a peanut my face swells up like I’ve eaten a wasp.
Where have you had the best fish and chips?
As a kid I always used to get fish and chips on a Friday from our local chippy (which isn’t there any more) and eat them in the car by Roath Park Lake in Cardiff. We went so often there was always salt, vinegar, knives and forks in the glove box to have them with.
What side is a must with your fish and chips?
Our curry sauce. It’s homemade to a secret recipe and is renowned in the area. Everyone loves it. Hamid’s dad had curry houses for years and so the recipe came from him.
If you could open a fish and chip shop anywhere, where would it be?
We have always wanted to open a shop in Chelsea as most of our family live in London.
Do you have a favourite restaurant?
I love Custom House/La Marina. It’s a local fish and fresh meats restaurant run by a lovely family that we know.
What is your go-to drink?
Prosecco – because why not?! We are looking to get an alcohol licence in the shop so we can offer prosecco and chips. I say we, it’s all me wanting this!
What dish reminds you most of your childhood?
Chips, but not from a chippy. My nan and gramps had a fryer in the kitchen and I have fond memories as a kid of helping to peel the potatoes to make proper thick cut chips.
What is your guilty food pleasure?
Easter eggs. I love how thin the chocolate is.
What’s been your weirdest food combination?
Pineapple with crusty sea salt on. I love it. It’s the ultimate sweet and sour!
What one piece of equipment would you love to purchase for your business?
I think this one is obvious – a prosecco pump!