With potato prices holding firm, fish and chip shops should ensure they get the maximum yield from every bag
The prices of chipping potatoes remain steady at around £11–£14.50 per bag, which is similar to last year but higher than historical averages.
While prices are not predicted to peak as drastically as in 2023, they are expected to climb in late spring. Additionally, the industry faces a decline in growers, particularly smaller farms, due to the high investment and risks involved. This has potentially long-term implications for supply.
“It’s a bit of a worry,” says Stuart Mitchell, managing director at potato merchant Mitchells Potatoes. “I don’t think prices are going to be quite as high for as long as last year, but we anticipate an acceleration at the end of the season, so April, May, June, on quality samples. Possibly the lesser quality will stay the same, but I don’t think shops are interested in using those these days. Poor quality will affect sales, which is worse than trying to save some money in the short term.”
Quality and size
To try and cushion some of the increased costs, it’s important operators maximise the yield from each bag they buy. One way to do this is to source the highest quality potatoes, says Stuart. While premium bags may cost more upfront (e.g., £12.50 versus £10), the superior yield often compensates for the price difference.
“Unfortunately, we never seem to find the perfect potato that peels perfectly and fries perfectly,” says Stuart. “So there is a bit of give and take where you have to say, I’m going to accept a level of work and a lower yield to make sure I’ve got the best product to sell. But, if you are buying better quality, generally, they will have less damage, so they’re going to peel well, giving more portions per bag.”
Nigel Hodgson, owner of the award-winning Hodgson’s Chippy in Lancaster, Lancashire, also advocates spending more on a quality potato. He comments: “Some operators are fearful of spending a little bit more as it may send their weekly bill up by £100. However, if the yield is better out of each bag, you only have to get an extra couple of portions of chips to cover the additional spend.”
He also recommends sourcing larger potatoes which generate more portions. “You might get between 36-38 portions of chips per bag of prepped potatoes,” explains Nigel. “But if you went up to say Markies, which are traditionally quite a large potato, you might go to 40. Two portions of chips at £2.95 each is £5.90. And you’ve got to remember that if you’ve got large potatoes, you are giving less weight because there’s a lot of air in there where the chips crisscross. Smaller chips would fall into those gaps, and then you’re giving more away in weight.”
Another solution could be to consider early imports from regions like the Mediterranean or North Africa. These new crop potatoes harvested fresh with minimal handling, are less prone to damage and offer a smoother peeling and frying experience. While they may be priced higher, their quality often translates into better value for operators. Stuart Mitchell explains: “We are looking to introduce these early this year in 25kg bags and I think you’ll probably get a 10-15% increase in yield above using old crop English. I would definitely be looking at that if you want to increase your yield.”

Little and often
Prepping potatoes in small, regular batches throughout the day is a great way to prevent wastage while also ensuring freshness. It’s something Nigel practises at Hodgson’s Chippy, prepping three times a day – at lunchtime, in the afternoon and for the evening. He also ensures he ends each day on full potatoes rather than chips.
“Chips are never that great the next day,” he says, “but potatoes can go back through the peeler in the morning for 45 seconds, which is just enough to take the outer shell off that forms from absorbing water overnight. The chips when you start that lunchtime will be as good as the ones you prep that day.”
Investing in a simple timer – easily sourced for a few pounds on places like Amazon – for use when rumbling potatoes can prove a valuable addition to the preparation process. Using this to adjust peeling times based on potato quality and seasonal variations can help minimise waste and maximise yield. Stuart Mitchell explains: “In the summer, peel time could be 40 seconds. At the moment, one minute is about right, while from February onwards it might need increasing to 1.5 minutes. That way you’re peeling away less skin. It may mean there’s a little more knife work to do, but you should get a better yield.”
Adding his thoughts, Stelios Theocharous, managing director at ingredients supplier Ceres, believes it’s good practice to carry out regular spot weighing. He says: “I always recommend weighing every tenth bag after peeling so that you know your yield per bag of potatoes. Some operators might be happy with getting 23kg from a 25kg bag, others it might be 21kg. Either way, having a record with key information – yield, brand, price you paid, date – will really help a business maintain good standards but also compare batches with their supplier.”
He also recommends shops in colder regions keep their potatoes insulated to prevent sugar build-up due to low temperatures, adding: “Keeping the potato room warm and dry is essential, you do not want any cold snaps and usually the potato room is the last room operators think of in the business. Pop a thermometer into your store room and aim to maintain a temperature above 10°C. Anything under 4°C is going to start converting starch to sugar which will ruin your chips.”

Lee Kesterton, sales manager at Drywite, advises shops that use a potato treatment like All Seasons to address the levels of starch and sugars in chips prior to frying. He explains: “Getting the best results on your potatoes and maximising your return is paramount in today’s market. Depending on the time of the year, your potatoes will require more treatment to maintain levels of starch and sugars, and using the correct aid will control the natural variation in sugar within the potatoes to improve your end product. Throwing away valuable stock when a cost-effective remedy is available makes no commercial sense.”
One final tip for operators is to treat chips with warm water, as this helps draw out excess sugar and prevents caramelisation during frying. This technique not only reduces waste but also speeds up drying time, which shortens frying time and minimises oil absorption. Nigel adds: “The result is improved chip quality, greater frying efficiency and increased output during busy periods.”
While minimising raw material costs is tempting, focusing on the bigger picture – yield, quality and operational efficiency – is a better approach. From tweaking peeling times to investing in premium varieties and exploring imports, there are multiple ways to navigate high potato prices while maintaining quality and profitability.